About Us

Protecting, Conserving, and Enhancing Tennessee’s Forests

ProtectTNForests is a Tennessee Department of Agriculture Division of Forestry campaign promoting sustainable forest management and health on family woodlands for the multiple uses and benefits provided by forested landscapes.

The campaign is managed by the division’s Forest Health & Sustainability Unit, which provides many services to Tennessee residents, municipalities, and visitors.

Forest Health

The health of a forest directly influences all aspects of forestry. Not limited to insects and diseases, forest health is also influenced by abiotic events, invasive plants, improper silviculture prescriptions, harvesting damage to residual stands, air and water quality, soil compaction, wildland fire, and much more.

A focus on forest health provides a holistic and sustainable approach to all forest management. It demonstrates the connectivity among forest health, the human interface, and the ecosystem services all forests provide.

Some of the work we do in forest health includes:

  • Developing strategies to prevent potential forest health threats.
  • Manageing active forest health issues.
  • Identifying and advising treatments for tree pests.
  • Providing treatment for spongy moth infestations.
  • Evaluating exotic and/or invasive pest threats.

Get in Touch

Katy Kilbourne, Forest Health Forester

Shane Harrington, Forest Health & Sustainability Unit Leader