First Lady Participates in Dyersburg City Schools' Summer Bus Tour

Wednesday, July 25, 2012 | 07:00am

First Lady Crissy Haslam makes community visits with Dyersburg City School district teachers and faculty to help encourage partnership with the school
NASHVILLE – First Lady Crissy Haslam joined Dyersburg City Schools today for their first Summer Bus Tour to help encourage parental involvement in the school. Mrs. Haslam and more than 75 Dyersburg City School teachers and faculty traveled throughout the community, making stops at local recreation centers, parks, churches and businesses to visit with Dyersburg children and families. The purpose of the community visits was to help build positive relationships between parent, child and school, encouraging parents to be involved in their child’s education both in the school and at home.

“Children spend 70% of their time outside of the school building, so parental involvement is essential for a child’s academic success,” said Mrs. Haslam.  “Study after study has shown us that student achievement significantly improves when there is a strong school-family partnership.  Visiting with children and families in their own neighborhoods before the school year begins is an excellent way to build partnerships and good rapport early.”

Mrs. Haslam joined Dyersburg City School teachers and faculty for stops at Bruce Recreation Center, Bruce Swimming Pool, Dyersburg Activity Center and Tucker Street Church where she helped to pass out information about the school and to encourage parents to be actively involved.

“Parental involvement can mean a lot of different things, but I mean it in a way that conveys the family plays an essential role in their child’s education. It means attending parent-teacher conferences, being aware of what your child is learning and where he or she is struggling and taking steps to walk alongside teachers and schools. More will be accomplished if schools, families, and communities work together to promote successful students.”

To learn more about Mrs. Haslam’s initiative to promote parental involvement in education, visit

Press Releases | First Lady Haslam