Show Off This Season’s Plentiful Peach Crop with Tennessee Summer Sangria

Friday, July 02, 2010 | 04:47am

NASHVILLE – Tennessee peaches are here, and in a climate where a yearly peach crop is not guaranteed, that’s great news. Better yet, this summer’s crop promises to be a standout from one end of the state to the other thanks to recent hot, sunny weather.

“Peaches are mighty particular,” according to Tammy Algood, who develops recipes for the ongoing Pick Tennessee Products “buy local” promotion. “First, in order to have a crop at all, delicate peach blossoms and tiny new fruits must make it through Tennessee’s springtime weather tantrums, frost-free. Then, once cool weather is past, peaches need sun and heat, and plenty of it.”

Algood’s recipes feature local farm and processed food products for the Tennessee Department of Agriculture’s longstanding campaign to help consumers identify and choose foods grown or processed in Tennessee. Algood’s recipes are available at

“This annual risk is part of what makes local peaches so highly anticipated and prized, but plenty of people will also swear by the singular flavor of a peach straight out of a Tennessee orchard.”

Peach varieties blossom, grow and ripen on different timetables. Early peaches are typically available in late June, and other varieties follow throughout the summer right through August. Because of Tennessee’s wide ranging topography and temperatures, West Tennessee peaches tend to ripen first and East Tennessee peaches ripen last. Algood recommends “Tennessee Summer Sangria” as a quick and easy way to use this year’s plentiful peaches.

“Sangria is a traditional summer punch which comes to us courtesy of Spain” says Algood. When made with red wine, the punch is called simply “sangria,” and when made with white wine, “sangria blanca.” Peaches are an authentic choice when making the drink; in fact, in some parts of Northern Spain, peaches in particular are used to make a sangria called “zurra.”

Tennessee peach orchards dot the state, and a county by county listing of pick-your-own peach orchards is available at “Take advantage of this great year for peaches and head out to a local orchard,” says Algood. “Just be sure to call ahead to confirm availability and hours of operation.

“Weather conditions can close down an orchard or any farm. Also, after a busy weekend, some orchards can be ‘picked out’ for a few days until more peaches ripen. Farmers want to be sure customers don’t leave their farms empty handed, so they’re happy to help you plan the best time to visit.” For more information about local farms, fruits and vegetables, visit



Tennessee Summer Sangria

1 Bottle of Tennessee dry white wine
1/2 cup peach schnapps
1/4 cup powdered sugar (depending on personal preference and the sweetness of the peaches)
4 sliced local peaches
Two 20 ounce bottles of lemon-lime soda

Preparation: Pour wine and schnapps in the pitcher and add sliced peaches. Next add sugar and stir gently. Chill mixture for at least one hour. Add soda just before serving. To serve sangria immediately after mixing, use chilled wine and soda and serve over ice.

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