Alcohol and Drug Crisis Services Open in East and West Tennessee
NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities announces the opening of four medically-monitored crisis detoxification units in East and West Tennessee. The units are operating out of community mental health and alcohol and drug agencies in Chattanooga, Jackson, Knoxville and Memphis. A fifth unit will open later this year in Nashville to serve Middle Tennessee.
The medically-monitored crisis detoxification units provide short-term alcohol and drug detoxification services 24-hour, seven days a week. The units are cost effective because they offer intensive 24-hour evaluation and withdrawal management including observation, monitoring, and treatment in a less restrictive setting than a hospital or other treatment resource.
“It is important that individuals have appropriate care in the least restrictive environment possible,” stated TDMHDD Commissioner Virginia Trotter Betts. “These units are structured to stabilize individuals experiencing substance abuse issues and strengthen clients’ own coping skills while allowing them to remain in the community close to their essential support system.”
“A main goal of the medically-monitored units is to divert clients, when clinically appropriate, from psychiatric inpatient hospitalizations, emergency rooms, and unnecessary incarcerations stemming from their substance abuse,” said Bruce Emery, TDMHDD Assistant Commissioner of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services. “It is important to provide the chance for a client to receive detoxification services in an appropriate alcohol and drug abuse treatment setting.”
For more information on medically-monitored crisis detoxification units or additional mental health and substance abuse treatment and prevention information, please contact TDMHDD’s Office of Communications at (615) 253-4812 or visit