Hernando DeSoto Bridge Work Requires Long Term Lane Closures

Tuesday, September 01, 2009 | 03:00am
Bridge to be Reduced to Four Travel Lanes for Several Weeks
NASHVILLE – Tennessee Department of Transportation contract crews will reduce the travel lanes on the Hernando DeSoto Bridge, which carries I-40 over the Mississippi River in Memphis, on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 as a new phase of the seismic retrofit of the bridge begins.  The bridge will be reduced from three lanes in each direction to two eleven foot travel lanes in each direction with no shoulders. 
Beginning September 8, crews will begin reducing the bridge from three lanes in each direction to two eleven foot travel lanes in each direction with no shoulders. The work zone will remain in place for the next several months. Motorists should anticipate additional lane closures on the bridge during non-peak travel hours, at night and on weekends. Peak travel hours are 6-9 a.m. and 3-6 p.m. At times the bridge will be reduced to one lane in each direction as crews set barrier rail throughout the project.
For more information on this or any other TDOT road construction project or to view travel conditions in this area visit the TDOT SmartWay Information System web site. People can also dial 511 from any land-line or cellular phone to access up to date traffic conditions, or visit www.TN511.com. TDOT is also now on Twitter. For up to date traffic tweets for the Jackson & Memphis areas follow Memphis511 on Twitter. For statewide traffic tweets just follow TN511.

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