Governor Bredesen Promotes National Parent Involvement Day

Thursday, November 19, 2009 | 03:28am

NASHVILLE – Governor Phil Bredesen has proclaimed November 19, 2009, as National Parent Involvement Day in Tennessee in recognition of the critical role parents play in a child’s education.

“Parents are a child’s first teacher and we must encourage strong interaction between families, communities and schools,” Gov. Bredesen said. “Family involvement in a child’s education can only lead to success and higher achievement.”

In honor of parents across the state, school districts are encouraged to show support in a variety of ways, including:

  • Advertising National Parent Involvement Day on school marquis and Web sites. Use telephone, computerized messages and newsletter to advertise your parents.
  • Host a school program honoring parents with certificates for volunteering, leadership in school committees, serving as school translators, school greeters, office assistants, subject tutors, etc.
  • Combine school programs honoring parents with potential training activities such as: information about new rigorous standards and assessments under the Tennessee Diploma Project, interpreting test scores, parenting skills and tips on helping children with homework. For high school parents, conduct a Career Day and ask parents with a variety of occupations to speak to students.


“Parental involvement shows a student that his or her parent cares,” said Julie McCargar, Executive Director of Federal Programs. “It takes all of us to build an environment that fosters learning and success for every child.”

For more information, contact Rachel Woods at (615) 253-1960 or

Press Releases | Education