Governor Bredesen Leads Trade Mission

Friday, October 16, 2009 | 02:33am
NASHVILLE - Governor Phil Bredesen and ECD Commissioner Matt Kisber will attend the 2009 SEUS/Japan Annual Meeting in Tokyo October 17-19, followed by a 10-day trade mission to China beginning October 20. A broad cross section of business, technology and health care leaders from Tennessee will visit the Chinese cities of Beijing, Xi’an, Hangzhou and Hong Kong during the trade mission.
“We began our efforts to develop trade ties with China in 2007 when we opened the Tennessee-China Development Center in Beijing,” said Bredesen. “This trade mission is a logical follow up to that effort as we seek to build on the success we’ve had in expanding economic and cultural ties.”
China is Tennessee’s third-largest trading partner, following Canada and Mexico. In 2008, Chinese customers purchased more than $1.3 billion dollars in Tennessee goods and services with chemicals and agricultural products leading exports. Among the 50 U.S. states, Tennessee ranks thirteenth in the value of goods and services exported to China. Japan is Tennessee’s fourth largest trading partner, purchasing $1.07 billion dollars in Tennessee goods and services.
“Despite the global recession, China’s appetite for Tennessee products remains strong,” said Kisber. “We believe there are real opportunities for additional Tennessee companies to increase exports to China and we want to increase China’s knowledge about Tennessee’s business-friendly economic climate.”
One of the most significant outcomes of the 2007 trade mission to China was the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Chinese Ministry of Health, creating a series of annual exchanges between experts in both China and Tennessee focused on improving delivery of health care in rural areas. Approximately 40 Chinese health care experts traveled to Tennessee in 2007 to take part in symposia at East Tennessee State University, Vanderbilt University and the University of Memphis. Tennessee health care leaders traveled to China in early 2009.

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