Tennessee Names Top Principal and Supervisor for 2009

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 | 05:22am

NASHVILLE – Warner Ross, currently principal of Bolivar Middle School in Hardeman County, has been named Tennessee’s 2008-09 Principal of the Year. Dr. David Timbs, Supervisor of Instruction for Johnson County Schools, was award the honor of 2008-09 Tennessee Supervisor of the Year.

Both administrators were recognized at an award ceremony Tuesday night, during which the grand division winners were also announced.

“I am pleased to congratulate these administrators on their dedication to constant improvement for the sake of a better education for students,” Education Commissioner Timothy Webb said. “Good leaders take calculated risks and achieve a higher standard by doing so. Thank you to Mr. Ross and Dr. Timbs for your service to Tennessee’s students.”

Mr. Ross’ administrative career is marked by the successful implementation of programs that raise student achievement and strengthen the teaching team. One program, Project Grade Recovery, helped the school achieve a 98 percent grade completion/promotion rate. A colleague said of him, ‘He strives to assist students in realizing what they can do instead of focusing on what was done earlier in their educational careers.’ Mr. Ross is also an active member of the Tennessee Army National Guard.

Dr. Timbs has built his leadership style around empowering teachers with the skills they need to be exceptional educators. He initiated school-level data coaching teams to improve the use of student data in guiding how teachers teach. That effort has helped raise value-added and achievement scores from C’s and D’s to A’s. He places emphasis on assessment literacy, best-practices in instruction, and curriculum aligned with the standards that define what students should learn. Dr. Timbs has shared and collaborated with educators from schools across the state, region, nation and world.

The Grand Division Winners are:

 Supervisor of the Year – Grand Division WinnersPrincipal of the Year – Grand Division Winners
East Tennessee

Dr. David Timbs
Supervisor of Instruction
Johnson County Schools

Dr. Jeff Moorhouse
Morristown West High School
Hamblen County Schools

Middle Tennessee

Terry Sue Fanning
Supervisor of Teaching
Moore County Schools

Janet Graham
Cumberland County High School
Cumberland County Schools

West Tennessee

Ann Anderson
Director of Teaching and Learning
Lexington City Schools

Warner Ross
Bolivar Middle School
Hardeman County Schools

The Supervisor of the Year and Principal of the Year programs are co-sponsored by Education Networks of America (ENA). The winner and each of the finalists received awards provided by ENA at an awards banquet during the 2008 Tennessee Educational LEADership conference.

For more information, contact Rachel Woods at (615) 253-1960 or Rachel.Woods@state.tn.us.

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