Governor Awards Training Grant to Sullivan County Employers

Monday, February 25, 2008 | 06:00pm

NASHVILLE – Governor Phil Bredesen and Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development Commissioner James Neeley have awarded $49,998 to Eastman Chemical Company and $16,780 to Domtar Paper Company, LLC, both of Sullivan County. The grants will pay for electrical and mechanical apprenticeship training.

“It is vital for Tennessee workers to continually train and upgrade their skills so our state can remain economically competitive,” said Governor Bredesen.  “Apprenticeship training grants are valuable resources to help meet the demands for skilled labor in Tennessee and help businesses become more productive.”

 “I am proud to award this grant money to help train workers in Sullivan County,” said Commissioner Neeley.  “Since July 1, 2007, the Workforce Development Division has obligated $1.5 million to Tennessee companies, training more than 5,000 workers.”

 “Training grants keep companies competitive and profitable,” said Representative Nathan Vaughn.  “I applaud the Governor for awarding this grant to these Sullivan County employers and helping to improve our economy.”

“I commend the Governor and Commissioner for helping Tennessee companies with training grants,” said Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey.  “Apprenticeship training in these skilled professions are an integral part of job development in our state.”

The Alliance for Business and Training, Inc was instrumental in awarding the grant to Eastman Chemical Company and Domtar Paper Company, LLC.

Press Releases | Labor & Workforce Development