Report Finds TDOT Bridge Inspections Hold Perfect Record
Nashville, Tenn. – The Tennessee Department of Transportation is one of only four states in the nation with a perfect bridge inspection record according to an MSNBC report released January 30. MSNBC analyzed the most recent National Bridge Inventory inspections through 2006 to determine how states measure up in their efforts to inspect all bridges every 24 months.
“This report affirms the focus TDOT has placed on ensuring our bridges are safe for Tennessee motorists,” said Governor Phil Bredesen. “I’m pleased to see Tennessee ranked at the top in timely inspection and want to commend TDOT’s bridge inspection program and employees for their commitment to making sure the more than 19,000 bridges in Tennessee are checked on-time, consistently and thoroughly every two years.”
Tennessee, Georgia, Delaware and Nevada were the only states to report all bridges inspected within two years according to the MSNBC analysis of inspection records from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Federal Government.
“Bridge safety is a top priority for TDOT,” assured TDOT Commissioner Gerald Nicely. “No bridge inspection should ever be late. We have an obligation to ensure all or our bridges are checked regularly and we are fulfilling that obligation to public safety.”
Of the four states with perfect inspection records, Tennessee has the largest number of bridges at 19,568. Georgia inspects 14,303 bridges every 24 months and Nevada is responsible for inspecting 1,636 bridges, while Delaware inspects 841 bridges every two years. Even more impressive, Tennessee has the tenth largest number of bridges in the nation.
“I’m very proud of the dedication of our Bridge Inspection Division and crews to making timely inspections,” said TDOT Chief Engineer Paul Degges. “We have seventeen crews composed of seven employees each who do hands-on inspections of nearly 20,000 bridges every two years. That’s a huge undertaking, but our crews are really making it look easy.”
For the complete MSNBC report, visit:
Julie Oaks