Free Hunting Day Set For August 25
August 25, the opening day for the 2007 squirrel hunting season, has been established as a free hunting day in Tennessee, according to the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA).
This special day offers a chance to introduce a youth or an adult to squirrel hunting, the species which most of us started out hunting. It is also a good opportunity for those folks who have not tried hunting in a while to get back into the woods.
On free hunting day, all hunters, residents and non-residents, are exempted from hunting licenses and WMA permits requirements. Not all WMA’s are open to hunting on August 25th. Be sure to check the information for particular WMA’s in the 2007 Tennessee Hunting and Trapping Guide. Hunters must have either a hunter education card or the new apprentice license (if they fall under the age requirements for mandatory hunter education) on the free hunting day.
In addition to squirrels, those species that have a year-round season will be open as well. The year-round species are: armadillo, beaver, coyote, English sparrow, groundhog, nutria, pigeon, starling, and striped skunk.