Meeting Set to Examine Tennessee Nominations to National Register of Historic Places
Nashville, Tenn. - The State Review Board will meet on Wednesday, May 16, 2007 to examine Tennessee’s newest proposed nominations to the National Register of Historic Places.
The meeting will be held at Clover Bottom Mansion at 2941 Lebanon Road in Nashville. It will begin at 9:00 a.m. The Board will vote on 16 nominations from across the state. Those nominations that are found to meet the criteria will be sent for final approval to the National Register of Historic Places in the Department of the Interior.
The nominations are:
- Davidson County: Beech Grove; McGavock-Harris-Gatewood-Webb House; Whitland Area Neighborhood Historic District
- Dekalb County: Susie Foster Log House
- Hardeman County: Pocahontas School
- Henderson County: Montgomery High School
- Marion County: Marion Memorial Bridge
- Meigs County: Blythe Ferry (boundary expansion)
- Rutherford County: Elmwood (boundary expansion and additional documentation)
- Sevier County: First United Methodist Church; Settlement School Community Outreach Historic District; White Oak Flats Cemetery
- Shelby County: Universal Life Insurance Company; Vollintine Hills Historic District
- Williamson County: Triangle School
- Wilson County: Lebanon Woolen Mills
The State Review Board is composed of 13 people with backgrounds in American history, architecture, archaeology or related fields. It also includes members representing the public. The National Register program was authorized under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
The public is invited to attend the meeting. For additional information, please contact Claudette Stager at (615) 532-1550, extension 105, or at