Remember Ask First Before Hunting on Private Land
The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) would like to remind all hunters that Tennessee State Law (TCA 70-4-106) requires all hunters to have permission before hunting on private property.
Every year TWRA Offices across the state receive calls from landowners about people hunting without permission. TWRA personnel will, as in past years, assist landowners who wish to sign a warrant and prosecute hunters for hunting without permission.
The law requires hunters to have permission from the landowner before hunting, whether or not the property is posted. In most cases, verbal permission will work. If the property is properly posted with signs stating hunting by “written permission only”, then hunters are required to carry written permission from the landowner.
TWRA urges all hunters to obtain a 2006 Tennessee Hunting and Trapping Guide and review the information before hunting. Each year, hunters are issued citations for violations that a few minutes of reading could have prevented.
Remember – “Stop Poaching” – To report game law violations call the telephone numbers below:
West Tennessee (Region 1) - 1-800-831-1173.
Middle Tennessee (Region 2) - 1-800-255-8972.
Cumberland Plateau (Region 3) - 1-800-241-0767.
East Tennessee (Region 4) - 1-800-831-1174.
**Please do not call the phone numbers above for General Information**