Deer Hunting Results for AEDC WMA Held Oct 28 29
79 deer (30 buck, 49 doe) were taken on the 750 quota either sex hunt on AEDC Wildlife Management Area which was held on Oct. 28-29, 2006.
So far this year, a total of 301 deer (128 buck, 173 doe) have been taken on the AEDC WMA hunts.
The best buck taken this hunt was a 135 lb. field dressed (estimated 172 lbs. whole weight) 8 pointer harvested by Josh Hagermaker of Ooltewah, TN. (see photo below)
The next scheduled deer hunt on the area is the 750 quota either sex hunt to be held Nov 11-12.
The Wheelchair-bound hunt zone (in the old “Camp Forrest” area of AEDC (north of Wattendorf Highway, west of Rifle Range Road, and south of the railroad track) will be closed to everyone except permitted wheelchair-bound hunters during the Nov. 11-12 hunt. The wheelchair bound hunt is a no quota hunt open to hunters who are permanently confined to a wheelchair, in possession of a type 094 WMA permit and the appropriate licenses. Each wheelchair bound hunter must be accompanied by a non-hunting assistant (age 16 years or older).