File a Complaint
Home Inspector Licensing ProgramFiling a Complaint with the Home Inspector Licensing Program
Complaints may be filed with the Tennessee Home Inspector Licensing Program against home inspectors for inspections performed on or after July 1, 2006.
Please read the following information carefully:
You will need Adobe 6.0 or higher in order to access and complete this form on-line.
Following is the complaint form used by the Department of Commerce and Insurance, Division of Regulatory Boards. Click on the field, type in your information, and when complete, print the form and then mail or fax to the address or fax number at the top of this page.
The Home Inspector Licensing Program was created to enforce the law and rules governing home inspectors. To protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Tennessee, licensees who fail to follow the laws and rules of this industry are subject to disciplinary action.
The Commissioner of the Department of Commerce and Insurance, who has authority to enforce the laws and rules of this Program, cannot recover or order the refund of any money or property to which you may be entitled. You must initiate a civil lawsuit for this purpose and hire your own legal counsel, if necessary. In certain instances, a judge can revoke or suspend the license of the person against whom you are complaining. (the respondent)
In some cases, the Commissioner may assess a civil penalty against a licensee for any violation of a statute, rule, or order issued from the Department on behalf of the Home Inspector Licensing Program.
Upon receiving your complaint, it will be reviewed to determine if there is a possibility of imminent danger to the health, safety and welfare of the public. If there is, then this complaint will be forwarded immediately to this Program's legal counsel. If not, then a copy of this complaint will be sent by mail to the respondent asking for his or her response to be in our office within fourteen (14) days of receipt. The complaint and the response will be forwarded to the Programs legal counsel for review. If additional information is required, an investigation may be initiated. Upon receipt of all pertinent complaint information, legal counsel will present the findings to the Program's convening authority to determine the appropriate action. You will be notified of the decision.
If the convening authority conducts a formal hearing in the matter, you may be subpoenaed to testify.