Forms and Downloads

Board of Court Reporting

The temporary licensure is available to a court reporter who completed their education AND has registered for one of the three National Exams. The temporary license is only good for three (3) months and the fee is $50. You must reapply if you need an additional three months. See the complete Rule:


Any person who provides to the board satisfactory proof of graduation from a court reporting program or its equivalent shall, upon application to the board on forms approved by the board and payment of a fee in an amount determined by the board, be issued a temporary license to practice as a court reporter. This temporary license shall expire sixty (60) days following the date upon which the next board-approved examination for licensure is given. Up to three (3) additional temporary licenses may be granted upon sufficient proof of good cause for issuance.

If you’re interested in applying for a temporary court reporter license, please navigate to and click “Create an Account” if you’re a new user, or ‘Sign in’ if you’re a returning user, then once logged in, click “Apply” and search for ‘Initial Temp’ to complete the application.

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