TDCI, SFMO Remind Tennesseans that “Fire Won’t Wait. Plan Your Escape.” During Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 9 – Oct. 15
Fire Escape Plans and Working Smoke Alarms Can Save Lives During EmergenciesNASHVILLE -- The Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance (“TDCI”) and the Tennessee State Fire Marshal’s Office (“SFMO”) are joining fire departments across the Volunteer State to raise awareness about Fire Prevention Week (Oct. 9 – Oct. 15), and this year’s campaign, “Fire Won't Wait. Plan Your Escape.”
This year’s event, which celebrates the 100th anniversary of Fire Prevention Week, focuses on a simple but powerful campaign message: “Fire won’t wait. Plan your escape.”
“It’s important for everyone to plan and practice a home fire escape, so that they know what to do when a smoke alarm sounds,” said TDCI Commissioner and State Fire Marshal Carter Lawrence. “Given that every home is different, every home fire escape plan will also be different. Additionally, it’s important to have a plan for everyone in the home, including residents of all ages and those who may have disabilities and need assistance to wake up and get out.”
The national campaign, which is created by the National Fire Prevention Association (“NFPA”), annually educates Americans about simple but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe when it comes to home fires or the dangers of carbon monoxide.
“Fire can spread rapidly, leaving a home’s residents as little as one or two minutes to escape safely once a smoke alarm sounds,” said Assistant Commissioner for Fire Prevention Gary Farley. “Your ability to get out depends heavily on early warning and advance planning. For that reason, we want all Tennesseans to have working smoke alarms and a home fire escape plan. Many fatal fires begin while we are sleeping, so be sure to practice your plan both at night and during the day.”
As part of Fire Prevention Week, consumers are urged to remember:
- Smoke alarms should be installed inside every sleeping room, outside each separate sleeping area, and on every level of your home. Smoke alarms should be interconnected so when one sounds, they all sound.
- Know at least two ways out of every room, if possible. Make sure all doors and windows open easily.
- Have an outside meeting place that is a safe distance from your home where everyone should meet.
- Practice your home fire drill at least twice a year with everyone in the household, including guests.
As part of Fire Prevention Week, the SFMO is holding its annual Fire Prevention Poster Contest from Oct. 9 - Oct. 31. Contest and submissions rules can be found here.
Other Fire Prevention week events include a side-by-side burn demonstration during the City of Brentwood’s 11th annual Public Safety Day Festival from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8 as well as outreach visits from the SFMO team members of the Christiana Volunteer Fire Department, and the Cannon County Volunteer Fire Department.
For more fire safety information, visit us online.