Company Resources

Catastrophe Claims Data Call related to Hurricane Helene Insurance Claims Spreadsheet [xlsx]

Catastrophe Claims Data Call related to Hurricane Helene Insurance Claims Instructions

RDC User Guide

NAIC State Disaster Data Call Webpage [External Link]

Claims Data Call related to the April 12th and 13th Tornadoes spreadsheet [xlsx]

Claims Data Call related to the March 2nd & 3rd Tornados spreadsheet [xlsx]

The company resource regulations and administration is primarily handled by two sections which are as follows:

  • Financial Affairs Section - Trey Hancock - Director - (615) 741-1633 This section regulates the financial and operational condition of life, property and casualty, title, fraternal, surplus lines companies, health maintenance organizations, governmental entity pools, self insurance groups, risk retention groups, risk purchasing groups, third-party administrators, charitable gift annuities, professional employer organizations, preferred provider organizations, prescription drug discount plan operators, licensed or registered in Tennessee. This section is also responsible for the collection of premium taxes.
  • Insurance Examination Section - Joy Little - Director - (615) 741-6796 The section performs examinations of life, property and casualty and title companies, as well as health maintenance organizations, governmental entity pools, self insured groups, and risk retention groups domiciled in Tennessee. The duties and responsibilities of this section encompass examining company records including but not limited to the financial statements, bylaws, charter, contracts, agreements, conflict of interest, investment activities, dividends and distributions, market conduct activities, and producing an examination report that addresses the company's compliance with state laws, rules and regulations.