Community Development Block Grant

CPD Program Public Notices

Public Meeting Notice – CDBG 2025 Round

The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development will be hosting the Public Meeting for the upcoming 2025 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program year on Tuesday, October 1, at 1:30 pm CT. The purpose public meeting is to inform eligible local governments and the general public of the proposed Tennessee State CDBG Program for 2025. Key information to be discussed include:

  • General requirements of the CDBG program 
  • Eligible activities and funding categories
  • Eligible grantees
  • Funding limits
  • Proposed program updates
  • The 2025 application cycle

We encourage people to attend the meeting in person at the Tennessee Tower, 312 Rosa L Parks Ave., Nashville, TN 37207 in the Multi-media Room on the 3rd floor. The building is ADA accessible with ground-level entry on the 2nd floor. Additionally, participants are invited to join virtually using the below:

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 286 470 089 695

Passcode: NnujfH

Or call in (audio only)

1 629-209-4396

Phone Conference ID: 673 619 409#

For those in need of Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) Captioning, use this link: Meeting CART Captioning

Those who wish to participate and need specific accommodations, please contact Kent Archer at (615) 354-3591 or at least one week prior to the meeting date.  

2025 CDBG Public Meeting Slides

2025 CDBG Public Meeting Recording

Public Comment Submission Form

THDA Public Notice: Please Review and Comment on Housing and Community Development Activities in Tennessee

In the recently released 2023-2024 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) describes how federal CDBG, ESG, HOME, HOPWA, and HTF funds were spent on housing and community development activities to benefit low and moderate income Tennesseans. A draft of this report will be available for public review and comment at from August 30 - September 17, 2024. An overview of the report in English and Spanish will also be available, along with details about a public meeting on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. Please send questions and accommodation requests to


Aviso Público de THDA: Favor de Revisar y Comentar sobre las Actividades de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario en Tennessee

 En el recientemente publicado Informe Consolidado de Desempeño y Evaluación 2023-2024 (CAPER, por sus siglas en inglés), la Agencia de Desarrollo de Vivienda de Tennessee (THDA, por sus siglas en inglés) describe cómo fondos federales de CDBG, ESG, HOME, HOPWA y HTF fueron usados en actividades de vivienda y desarrollo comunitario para beneficiar a habitantes de Tennessee de bajos y moderados ingresos. Un borrador de este informe estará disponible para su revisión pública y comentarios en del 30 de agosto al 17 de septiembre de 2024. Un resumen del informe también estará disponible en inglés y español junto con detalles sobre una reunión pública el martes, 17 de septiembre de 2024. Favor de enviar sus preguntas y solicitudes para ajustes a

Consolidated Planning

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that all programs funded under the CPD formula block grant, including CDBG, comply with the Consolidated Planning process. This process includes a Consolidated Plan (ConPlan) every five years where the jurisdiction (State of Tennessee) assesses its affordable housing and community development needs and market conditions and discribes how these programs intend to use funds to meet these needs. Each year the state must also develop an Annual Action Plan (AAP) that falls under the ConPlan, specifying the intended use of funds for the upcoming program year. Also, the state must develop a Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) each year to report of the progress and the accomplishments of each of the CPD programs. Copies any of these documents for a given program year cab be found on the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) at