Coronavirus (COVID-19) Message to Funeral and Cemetery Professionals
As the rapid spreading of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues throughout our state and nation, we understand that leads to questions on how to continue with your funeral or cemetery businesses. We know that you are looking for answers and solutions and this virus presents challenges, especially regarding limits on how many people can gather for a visitation, funeral, burial, or other memorial event. We encourage funeral providers to follow best practices in the conduct of your professional services and follow the guidelines outlined by the CDC, Tennessee Department of Health, and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This is a fluid situation and changes daily. We are providing a list of resources related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) that can further assist you.
Resources related to Coronavirus (COVID-19):
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC - Tennessee Office of the Governor - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - EPA - FAQ’s
This Page Last Updated: April 30, 2020 at 5:21 PM