Permanent Work

Category C: Roads and Bridges

Repair of roads, bridges, and associated features, such as shoulders, ditches, culverts, lighting, and signs.

Category D: Water Control Facilities

Repair of drainage channels, pumping facilities, and some irrigation facilities. Repair of levees, dams, and flood control channels fall under Category D, but the eligibility of these facilities is restricted.

Category E: Buildings and Equipment

Repair or replacement of buildings, including their contents and systems; heavy equipment; and vehicles.

Category F: Utilities

Repair of water treatment and delivery systems; power generation facilities and distribution facilities; sewage collection and treatment facilities; and communications.

Category G: Parks, Recreational Facilities, and Other Facilities

Repair and restoration of parks, playgrounds, pools, cemeteries, mass transit facilities and beaches. This category is used also for any work or facility that cannot be adequately defined by Categories A-F.