Standard Drawings

Revised: May 1, 2024

TDOT Standard Drawings Sections

Standard Drawings are divided into eight sections, which are further divided into subsections for specific drawings. Select the desired section from the list below.

Standard Roadway Title Sheet, Abbreviations and Legends

Standard Roadway Drawings Title Sheet | Standard Abbreviations and Legends

Roadway Design Standards RD18 Typical Sections and Design Criteria | RD18 Slope Development and Runoff Lengths | RD18 Intersection Sight Distance  | RD11 Typical Sections and Design Criteria | RD11 Slope Developement and Runoff Lengths | RD11 Intersection Sight Distance | RD01 Typical Sections and Design Criteria | RD01 Intersection Sight Distance | RD01 Slope Development | Underdrains
Pipe Culverts and Endwalls Pipe Culverts and Flume | Safety Cross Drain Endwalls | Safety Side Drain Endwalls | Protected Endwalls
Catch Basins and Manholes Catch Basins | Junction Boxes | Manholes | Precast Risers | Spring Drain Boxes | Slotted and Trench Drains
Roadway, Pavement Appurtenances, and Fences Concrete Pavement | Intersections | Curbs | Walls | Fences and Right-Of-Way Markers
Multimodal Curb Ramps | Pavement Markings | Safety Rail | Sidewalk | Typical Section
Safety Design and Guardrails Clear Zone and Safety Plans | Cable Barriers | Crash Cushions | Guardrail Details | Guardrail Connections | Guardrail (Special Cases) | Guardrail Terminals | Guardrail Anchors | Concrete Median Barriers | Guardrail Maintenance
Design - Traffic Control Pavement Markings | Work Zones
Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Dewatering Devices | Slope Devices | Ditch Devices | Inlet Protection | Detaining Devices | In-Stream Devices
Natural Stream Design Deflectors, Vanes and Energy Dissipators

If you find any mistakes, missing information or have a question, contact:
TDOT Engineering Production Support
1200 James K. Polk Building
Nashville, TN 37243-1402

This Page Last Updated: March 1, 2018 at 11:57 AM