Standard Drawings Library

Revised: July 21, 2024

Standard Drawings contain standard notes and details and are referenced from the contract plans. That way these commonly used notes and details do not have to be recopied again and again into every set of plans. Standard Drawings help reduce both the number of drawings in project plans and the time it takes to prepare project plans.


The Standard Drawings shown on this website are intended for use only on projects undertaken by the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT).  Any use made of these drawings by any other party shall be entirely at the party's own risk. No warranty is given. TDOT reserves the right to void, revise or create new drawings at anytime.

Standard Drawings are in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader® to view and/or print these files. The default for PDF files is 8.5 X 11 print size and portrait orientation. To print standard half-size, the PDF file must be directed to print 11 X 17 and landscape under the PAGE SET-UP option in the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

MicroStation design files are not available for distribution.

This Page Last Updated: July 21, 2024 at 11:34 AM