Instructional Bulletins

Revised: January 30, 2025

NOTE: Anybody who wishes to receive future instructional bulletins released, please fill out this form to be added to the                   email list.

Roadway Design Guidelines Current Instructional Bulletins
IB No. Description Signed Date
IB 23-12 Project Transitions to PDN 07/31/2023
IB 24-01 Regarding Turn-In Dates and Letting Schedule 01/25/2024
IB 24-02 Regarding Roadway Design Guidelines for PDN 02/06/2024
IB 24-03 Regarding New and Revised Standard Drawings and PDN Design Guidelines Chapter 10
IB 24-04 Regarding New Round Catch Basin Standard Drawings and Revisions to the Drainage Manual
IB 24-05 Regarding Roadway Design Guidelines for PDN
IB 24-06 Regarding Roadway Design Guidelines for PDN 05/31/2024
IB 24-07  Regarding Roadway Design Guidelines for PDN 07/31/2024
IB 24-08 
Regarding New and Revised Standard Drawings 07/31/2024
IB 24-09 
Regarding New and Revised Standard Drawings 10/31/2024
IB 24-10 Regarding Roadway Design Guidelines for PDN 10/31/2024
IB 24-11 Regarding Turn-In Dates and Letting Schedule 10/31/2024
IB 25-01                Regarding Roadway Design Guidelines for PDN 01/31/2025
IB 25-02  Regarding New and Revised Standard Drawings 01/31/2025

This Page Last Updated: January 30, 2025 at 2:08 PM