Tennessee Forestry Commission to Meet
NASHVILLE –The Tennessee Forestry Commission will meet by electronic means April 7, 2020 at 9 a.m. CDT.
In accordance with Governor Bill Lee’s Executive Order No. 16, the Tennessee Forestry Commission will meet and conduct business by electronic means. This measure serves to protect the health and safety of citizens and government officials during the COVID-19 emergency response.
The meeting is open to public participation via an internet-based teleconferencing system. There is no cost to participants. Instructions and alternative methods of communication are included at the bottom of this notice.
The agenda includes approval of the previous meeting minutes, formulation of nursery seedling production for 2021 – 2022 and pricing for 2020 – 2021, and appointment of a nomination committee to select new Commission officers.
The Tennessee Forestry Commission comprises seven members representing the public’s interests as they relate to forest resources in the state. The commission advises the Tennessee Department of Agriculture on forest issues. For more information, contact the Division of Forestry at 615-837-5520 or visit the Commission’s webpage at www.tn.gov/agriculture/forests/commission.html.
WebEx instructions:
Click to join the meeting. Or enter the URL in your browser: https://tngov.webex.com/tngov/j.php?MTID=m156d0efe726e1d0ca91b6f44fae0f478
Enter your name and email and click Join
The password is Forestry1
For audio connection:
(Recommended) Choose Call Me and enter your phone number, including area code. The system will call you. If you are using your computer’s audio and video system, choose Call Using Computer.
Click the Raise Hand button to be recognized by the Chairman.
Please connect to the WebEx session at least 15 minutes prior to the meeting to make sure your connection works. If you need assistance call 615-837-5428.
WebEx YouTube tutorials are available:
To join the meeting via phone, dial 1-414-655-0003 and use access code 619 114 950.