Foster Parent Phone-in Verification
To access the Tennessee Foster Parent Phone-In System just follow the simple steps below:
- Use the Foster Parent Phone-In Calendars to determine payment verification dates for each month.
- Call 877-318-5064, a toll-free number.
- You will be asked to enter your SSN followed by #.
- You will then be asked to enter your PIN followed by #
Note: PIN numbers are generated after your first placement. It takes several days for the PIN to be generated by the system, processed, and mailed. If you have not received your PIN, or have forgotten your PIN, hang up and contact your Foster Parent Support Worker. - Once your SSN and PIN have been validated by the system, you will be asked to enter the Child ID for the child you are verifying.
Note: The CHILD ID# is on the child’s placement contract. - Once the Child ID has been validated by the system, you will be asked to enter the Beginning Placement Date. This is the begin date of the pay period you are verifying. i.e. 020313.
- Once the system accepts this date, you will be asked to enter the Ending Placement Date. This is the end date of the pay period you are verifying (i.e. 021520).
- If you need to verify for the same child but a different pay period, press 2. If you need to verify for a different child, press 1. If finished, hang up.
Note: Begin and End dates must be within the same calendar month and for one pay period at a time. Only verify dates that the child was in your home.
If all entries are successful, payment can be expected for this child for the dates verified. If any pay periods were not submitted, the foster parent can call back at any time and verify. Three failed attempts to verify placement information will lock the account forcing the foster parent to discontinue the call. A new PIN will be generated, and payment cannot be verified until received.