TDOC Visitation Suspended Until Further Notice
NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Department of Correction is committed to protecting the safety and well-being of our staff, inmates, visitors and volunteers. We are actively monitoring COVID-19 developments and will continue to follow the guidance of the Tennessee Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control.
Out of an abundance of caution and in the interest of the health and wellness of what we consider a vulnerable population, we have suspended visitation at all TDOC prisons until further notice. We are exploring alternative opportunities for our inmates to maintain communication with family and friends. Volunteer services will be suspended as well. We will conduct non-invasive screening onsite for staff entering our facilities.
Offenders who are on community supervision will be contacted by their probation/parole officer for reporting guidelines.
Parole hearings will continue as schedued. Attendees will be subject to non-invasive screening.
Legal visits for inmate are permitted. This notice also applies to Core Civic facilities.
This is an unfolding, fluid situation and we will re-evaluate these measures on a daily basis.