Mark Luttrell Transition Center To Host Grand Opening
MEMPHIS - This Friday, December 9, the Tennessee Department of Correction will host a grand opening for the Mark Luttrell Transition Center (MLTC). Earlier this year, TDOC made the decision to change Mark Luttrell Correctional Center from a female facility to a male reentry center. MLTC is focused on providing intensive programming and job development skills to men nearing release from prison. The first male residents arrived at the facility earlier this fall.
More than 90% of currently incarcerated offenders will eventually be released from prison and return to Tennessee communities. Upon reentry, former offenders are more likely to struggle with substance abuse, lack of adequate education and job skills, limited housing options, and limited access to health care. Programs at the MLTC serve to address these barriers through a transitioned approach to reentry. This ensures offenders will leave prison with the tools necessary to successfully reintegrate into society as a productive citizen, ready to work.
Reducing recidivism through evidence based programs is a central element of the Tennessee Department of Correction’s non-negotiable mission to ensure and enhance public safety.
WHAT: Mark Luttrell Transition Center Grand Opening
WHEN: Friday, December 9, 2016, 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: Mark Luttrell Transition Center, 6000 State Road, Memphis, TN 38134