Community Impact in Action

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A Community Services Block Grant Program News Forum

Community Impact in Action is a quarterly e-newsletter facilitated by the Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS). The newsletter is designed to amplify Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) agency voices, increase communication and connect partners through peer sharing opportunities.

What’s in the Newsletter

Each edition of the Community Impact in Action shares, A Message From the Director, A Focus on Action, Agency Spotlights, and Happenings You Should Know submitted by CSBG partners and includes related policy updates and agency profiles.

Who Can Make Submissions

Any CSBG partner agency representative can submit content for Community Impact in Action.  However, TDHS reserves the right to edit content and a representative may contact content contributors for additional information.

Submitting Content for a Newsletter Topic

CSBG network agencies can submit content using the link provided in the A Focus on Action Section:

A Focus on Action

This column spotlights innovative programs, services, achievements, community awards and accomplishments from agencies across the state. If your CSBG partner agency broke new ground, increased services, achieved a milestone, created an innovative experience or if there’s an activity or agency accomplishment, you’re proud of, this is your moment to share and inspire others.

Agency Spotlights

Agency spotlight consist of interviews held with agency representatives. Each agency will have the opportunity to share program and service information throughout the year. Interviews will be included in each newsletter edition and any special editions

Happenings You Should Know

TDHS will share information about important CSBG dates, information from CSBG Network Partners as well as future community events, fundraisers and happenings hosted by partner agencies. Events submitted by agencies may also be included on the Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) online calendar located at and TDHS social media pages.

When to Make Submissions

The Community Impact in Action newsletter goes out on a quarterly basis (January, April, July, October) submissions for the next newsletter should be submitted no later than the 15th day of the last month in the quarter. This is especially true for upcoming event submissions. For example, an event scheduled to take place in April, May or June should be submitted no later than March 15th. However, in some cases, events may be shared on the TDHS online event calendar or social media calendar without being shared in the newsletter. These events should be submitted no later than four weeks prior to the event.